Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy

by Karrin

Late night show host Jimmy Kimmel asked parents to send in recordings of them telling their children that they ate of the Halloween candy. The montage has been floating around the Internet and, like anyone with a keen interest in children development and diet, I can't help but add my two cents.

The kids different degrees of addiction, their relationship to authority, as well as their primitive responses were insightful. Watching the kids cry was an example of sugar withdrawal in action. We are in deep denial as a culture in relationship to sugar and our attachment to it. 

The parents admitted to being "wrong" in eating all the candy and they offered nothing in return.  Most kids didn't see any hope in finding any resolution to their own parents deviant behavior - they didn't negotiate or suggest that their parents replace the candy.  They would rather take the blame and become enabling to their parents rather than stand up to authority and hold them accountable.  

Spoiler Alert: The final two boys were the smart ones.  The older boy kept his composure, his body posture was impeccable, hands behind his head, looking his mom right in the eye.  He actually tried to make his mom feel guilty. The little boy called it straight up, "You sneaky mom!"  I imagine these two would be reminding their mom that she ate all their Halloween candy every time they wanted a treat, for months or possibly even years to come.

Once again, kids are brilliant, they show us who we are, and help us get our priorities straight.

P.S. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the kids found out their parents were just playing a practical joke on them!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Own Your Own Attitude

by Karrin

An attitude is a priceless gift; it's a gift you give yourself.  Learning to think for yourself and taking responsibility for your attitude is life's utmost priority.  If you can learn to own your own attitude you will never be alone.  You will express yourself with more freedom, have the wisdom to know who to share what with, and realize it’s up to you to be grateful.

Attitude is something that people nurture, like a clean room, or polished presentation.  It is something that one nurtures within oneself.  When people naturally loved themselves they feel grateful and express their love to others.  Since we fluctuate between different attitudes it’s important to nurture the attitudes we wish to become habitual. 

As we begin to own our own attitudes we become more responsible for our own feelings.  Learning to have a loving attitude towards ourselves, no matter our feelings in any given moment, is a lifelong task.  When we blame our feelings on outer circumstances or other people we come to a dead end.  If we are not responsible for our attitude, who is?  

We become a victim every time we blame our feelings on others, instead of taking responsibility for our range of emotions.  No matter how we feel, it’s okay.  If we own our own attitudes we can change them as we gather more information.  Owning our own attitude is the key to compassion, creativity, and co-creation.  

Own your own attitude, express how you feel.