Friday, August 26, 2011

Should we really always guess C?!?

by Alisha

The school semester is starting and with that comes the use of brain cells many of us have put into hibernation over the summer. As we enter into new classrooms it makes me wonder what type of new thinking will be encouraged.  It seems that students are constantly taught to the test; thinking critically is not often encouraged. We're not taught to ask questions, but instead memorize text books or powerpoints and fill in the appropriate bubble... remember: if you don't know, always guess C!

So what's the benefits of thinking critically and why is it so important? Check out the video above and you'll find out why, but here are a few key points. 
  1. It's the key to intellectual independence
  2. It helps us solve complex problems:  If we only think of problems as black and white, then we will never find the proper answer. As stated in the video, "if we think in false dichotomies, we draw false conclusion.s" 
  3. It helps us to move away from mystification and rash conclusions
  4. We widen our knowledge bank 
  5. It allows you to accept personal responsibility for your own knowledge 
So my challenge for you is to start changing ignorance to knowledge. Think critically, ask questions, use your brains cells, have engaging conversations, and love life! 

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