Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm Not a Feminist, But...

 by Alisha

I’m not a feminist, but… okay. That’s a lie. I’m a hardcore feminist. I often hear the saying “I’m not a feminist, but…” when someone agrees with the concepts of gender equality, or other feminist perspectives, but also believes the stigma that feminists are hairy, man-hating, bitches. Well, let me tell you something: we’re not all like that; in fact, most aren’t. Let’s clear some things up here: 

  1. So what is this whole feminist thing…? According to Jessica Valenti, (awesome feminism author, blogger, and person, check out feministing, some of her other thoughts here) feminism is simply social, political and economic equality of sexes. If someone wants to argue with that, tell them to check the dictionary.
  2. Feminism really is for everyone No matter your age, gender, race, sexuality, ability, favorite color, height, shoe size, or any other difference you find, I’m sure you can find something in feminism that you relate to. If you really need help, Ryan Gosling might be able to help you out. ;)
  3. I am a feminist, but…Being a feminist doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy things that are stereotypically defined by gender roles, it simply means that you don’t have to. And if you do, it’s for you, not to please anyone else! I still love cooking, being crafty, wearing dresses, and putting on makeup. Ask my sisters: I’m really feminine, but I also love intellectual conversations, curse like a sailor, and enjoy doing construction projects here and there.
  4. We don’t need feminism anymore, everyone’s equal! I hear this far too often, but patriarchal culture is engrained so deep into our brains, that we don’t even recognize it. Don’t believe me? Try naming 10 famous males who gained praise apart from the media (think politicians, scientists, authors, people of medicine, Nobel Prize winners, etc.). Now try naming 10 females. A lot harder, right?  (If you think they don’t exist, check out GeekFeminist.) What about everyday language? When addressing a group of people do you often say “Hey you guys”? The last time I checked, I’m not a guy. If you go up to that same group and say “Hey ladies!” you’ll get a very different response, and it probably won’t be a pleasant one. Check out these handy cards that a college class came up with to help make language gender neutral! 
So for those who say that feminism is out dated, or doesn't matter, you might be surprised. 

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