Monday, June 27, 2011

Artificial Food Isn't Really Food

by Karrin

Food has become a hidden drug. People used to farm their own food and seldom even ate sugar. Today people eat pounds of artificial chemicals each year which have been added to the food supply for the economic gain of industry. The majority of additives are the result of left over chemicals for sale. Most chemicals added to food have nothing to do with nutrition or the human body. The book The Poisons in Your Food outlines the history of food additives which began back in the 1940s. The majority of food additives are simply toxic chemicals that add bulk to prepackaged food acting as drugs which turn the body into a polluted landfill.

In eating disorder clinics, people who eat the most artificial foods have detoxification symptoms like that of a person on hard street drugs. Too much junk food causes digestive problems, head aches and mood disorders. Our culture has been brainwashed into thinking a little bit of poison in our food is okay. The problem is that many food additives make people have unreasonable cravings. Many artificial chemicals are stimulants that make people high followed by a crash and burn. When food becomes addictive it is no longer food.

People can’t resist the sudden burst of energy that they associate with junk food. The promise of junk food is so powerful it can be used to control people’s behavior. Unless people become educated about the dangers to eating artificial ingredients the food industry will be happy to keep providing them in larger and larger quantities. To learn more about artificial food verses whole foods check out the book If It’s Not Food Don’t Eat It by Kelly Hayford.

Coming off of artificial foods is not pain free. Recognizing the symptoms of detoxification and withdrawal can be seen as a good sign. Eating whole foods may feel artificial if one isn’t used to it. Food habits can change one bite at a time. Learning to read and care about food labels can be a fun hobby. Food is meant to be nourishing.

What we eat is not just a personal issue. The food choices we make have a huge ripple effect. Eating in harmony with the bodies needs is one of the most fundamental gifts of life we can give to ourselves and pass onto our children. Switching from artificial ingredients to wholesome foods results in physical vitality, emotional stability and mental clarity for the individual and is a great example for others. The better we take care of ourselves the better we can help take care of others and the world around us.

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